Downtown Sparkles on the Branson Christmas Tree Trail
[caption id="attachment_139" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Tree #33 at Branson Landing[/caption] Branson has always been a wintry wonderland at Christmas time, but this year a new Christmas Tree Trail is giving visitors a way to see the city's many unique decorations. The trees vary in styles from traditional Christmas trees, natural trees with beautiful lighting and trees made out of dancing lights. Of the 35 trees on the Christmas Tree Trail in Branson, 10 of them can be found in Downtown Branson. They are: Tree #1: Branson Centennial Museum 120 S. Commercial St. Tree #3: Branson Petal Pushers 209 W. Pacific St. Tree #4: Central Bank of Branson 400 Hwy 65 (Veterans Boulevard) Tree #6: City of Branson (A) Cox Medical Center Roundabout Tree #7: City of Branson (B) City Hall Front Fountain Tree…