Round up all the little goblins, superheroes and the Elsas and head to the Branson Landing for the 13th annual Safe Trick or Treat, Oct. 31… Halloweeen night!
This event is for children in costume, up to 12 years old. Kids are encouraged to go from store-to-store to collect treats, stickers, coupons and other goodies.
Costumes, masks, LOTS of free candy. What’s not to love? Come down to the Branson Landing, in costume, and ready to gather up some candy! On October 31st, from 5 – 7 pm, many of the stores on the Landing will be participating! If you come early, the free Sparky trolleys run until 6 p.m. and can help you avoid parking headaches.
Don’t forget to stop by for pictures in the pumpkin patch with The Peanuts gang during Bass Pros Halloween Event while you hunt down the sweets.
Happy Haunting!