Now in its 26th year, Visioncon, has grown into one of the largest annual conventions held in Branson. Last year, the weekend-long event drew 2,500 attendees at the Branson Convention Center.
Visioncon is Missouri’s premier comic con and pop culture convention. This year’s convention is Feb. 24-26 at the Branson Convention Center.

Headlining the event is John W. Shipp, who played The Flash in the 1990s TV series by the same name. He also appears as Henry Allen in the current CW remake of the series.
In addition to Shipp, also coming to Branson for the convention are:
- Samantha McMillian, author of the urban fantasy City of the Gods series
- Brian Muir, the sculptor and artist who created the iconic Darth Vader helmet
- Steve Downes, a voice actor who has voiced many well-known animated characters
- Kelldar, a well-known sci-fi costume creator
- Laura Tyler, winner of SyFy’s Face Off season 5
- RJ Haddy, star of SyFy’s Face Off seasons 2 and 5
Topics and panel run the gamut of interest from cosplay to how to run a successful Kickstarter campaign to how to edit YouTube videos to podcasting. Panels also will discuss topics like Star Trek, Batman, Magic: The Gathering and other popular comic con mainstays.
You can get a full schedule at the Visioncon website.